Texas Collegiate
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This manual explains the Career Development Events for the Texas Collegiate FFA Association. At the 2019 State CFFA Convention all of the events listed in our manual will be available.  These competitions are great ways to further your professionalism and leadership skills as you prepare to transition from college to the workforce.

2019 Contest Times and Locations

Sheraton Ballroom Downtown

Magnolia Rooms: 2-6

Monday, July 15, 2019
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Extemporaneous Speaking - Magnolia 3&4

Prepared Speaking - Magnolia 3&4

Poster Presentation - Magnolia 6

Job Interview - Magnolia 5

*Prep Room for speaking contests: Magnolia 2

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Lesson Plans - Magnolia 6

1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Collegiate Quiz Bowl - Magnolia 3&4
Chapter Presentation- Magnolia 3&4

CORRECTION: For all contest as long as you bring the required documents and props to convention
you are able to pay for the registration you are able to compete in the contests.
Our Apologies 

*NOTE: ALL MEMBERS COMPETING IN CDEs MUST BE IN CFFA OFFICIAL DRESS!!! Please refer to the official dress tab for the appropriate dress code.

Click on the links under documents to view CDE Rules, Ag Ed Research Poster Rules, and Lesson Plan Rules:


Poster Presentation Rules Marah Walls 5/10/2018 14 KB
Lesson Plan Rules Marah Walls 6/17/2019 12 KB
2019 Texas CFFA Handbook / Contest Rules Marah Walls 6/20/2019 130 KB



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